Follow-up Info Day - Research Programme - EEA Grants

On the 12th of June 2018 took place the Info Day hosted by the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. The event was organized by UEFISCDI, as Programme Operator for Romanian Research Programme, in order to present the call document, the guide for applicants, guide for evaluators, how to use the submission/brokerage platforms for the project proposals which will be submitted in the first call for "Collaborative Research Projects" - EEA Grants. More than 200 researchers, representatives of the Ministry of European Funds, the Norway Embassy in Romania, the Norway Research Council and other Programme Operators in Romania, attended the event. Those who could not be present had the opportunity to watch the live streaming of the event (about 100 people).


             Motto: Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe    

Event pictures:




Contact person:
Adriana Rotar
Phone: +4021 30 80 567/ +40740 088 201
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