Follow-up Workshop Carbon Capture and Storage EEA Grants

On  20th of June 2018, UEFISCDI organized, in Bucharest, a workshop on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). The event was organized under the Research Programme - EEA and Norway Grants, the Bilateral Relations component.

Discussions were focused on the Romanian and Norwegian researchers experience in European funded CCS projects such as ACT - "Accelerating CCS Technologies" but also on the opportunities they have to develop new projects in the competitions associated with Research Programme under EEA and Norway Grants 2014 -2021. On the attendees list are representatives from Romanian Ministry of Energy, Ministry of European Funds, Norway Research Council, Czech Technical University in Prague.


State of the Art CCS in Norway

Ragnhild Rønneberg - ACT project coordinator, The Research Council of Norway

State of the Art CCS in Czech Republic
Lukáš Pilař – Professor, Czech Technical University in Prague

Presentation of the ACT call 2018
Ragnhild Rønneberg - ACT project coordinator, The Research Council of Norway

Presentation of the Collaborative Research Projects call 2018 – EEA Grants
Monica Cruceru - Research Programme Coordinator, EEA& Norway Grants, UEFISCDI

UEFISCDI’s experience in ACT
Nicoleta Dumitrache – ACT project responsible, UEFISCDI

Romanian Experience in ACT project
Călin Cormos - ACT funded project from Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca
Alexandra Dudu - ACT funded project from GeoEcoMar

Funding oportunities:
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