Are you passionate about science? Do you want to know what are the latest discoveries of the research teams in the diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, early cancer detection and treatment, developing technology capable of producing drug-delivery systems for treating hearing deficiency, improving farming system for field-grown vegetables, designing learning-driven platform for an early forecast of severe meteorological phenomena that can improve people’s response to meteorological danger, or the development of a rapid and green alternative for water remediation and other disruptive topics?
Watch the second series of the
Research in the Spotlight video podcast to find if research is able to give solutions, in the next decades, for different problems that the current society is facing and how the partnership between researchers from different countries is working for an green, competitive and inclusive Europe.
Research in the Spotlight is a video podcast for scientists and passionate science people having as protagonists the principal investigators (PI) of the Collaborative Research Projects funded in 2018 & 2019 calls under the Romanian Research Programme - EEA and Norway Grants.
This video podcast is designed by the #UEFISCDI, as Programme Operator of the Research Programme funded under the EEA and Norway Grants