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Widening the reach of EU Missions through EEA and Norway Grants

The event Widening the reach of EU Missions through EEA and Norway Grants gathered in 27 & 28 of May 2024, at the EFTA House, representatives of Research Programme Operators from Beneficiaries States, Financial Mechanism Office Bruxelles, Donor States, National Focal Points of EEA and Norway Grants and European Commission Directorates General linked to the EU Missions.

Informative presentations, inspiring panels debates, discussion tables and stands presenting results of EEA and NorwayGrants opened the path for potential synergy and connection between EEA and Norway Grants and EU initiatives.

Romania contributed in the panels addressing ”EEA and Norway Grants looking at the EU Missions” & ”How to make the synergies happen?”, being also an important dialogue partner during the whole event, sharing its experience in the implemetation of the Collaborative Research Projects.
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16 Oct 2024

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