Call for additional funds - EEA and Norway Grants

In reply to the current economic challenges including exceptional price increase because of the influence of COVID -19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine and the inflation rate, there is the possibility of increasing funding for already approved collaborative research projects funded under EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021.

The exceptional price increases are clearly beyond the control of the Project Promotor and were unforeseeable when the project proposal was submitted.
These circumstances have also been noted by the Donors, who have notified about the possibility to allocate additional funds to already approved projects which have the potential for absorbing these funds.

Deadline for submission: 1st of September 2023.
The publication of the evaluation results on the 15th of September 2023.

The available budget consists of 397,952 EUR, savings from the EEA and Norway calls (2018 and 2019) and Small Grant Scheme ERC.

Who may apply?
Project Promotors who are currently implementing Collaborative Research Projects in the framework of the EEA and NO Financial Mechanisms 2014-2021, and have the project implementation period deadline in December 2023 or until April 2024.

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