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EU CORONAVIRUS RESPONSE - 2nd call for an Expression of Interest in behaviour, socioeconomics, cohorts, manufacturing, medical and digital solutions | VIDEO

In cadrul call-ul dedicat solutiilor Covid-19 din data de 20 mai (14:00 – 16:30h) a fost anuntata lansarea a 5 noi linii de finantare: 

Types of action: Innovation action Programme: Horizon 2020 
Open for submission
Opening date
: 19 May 2020
Deadline model: single-stage
Deadline date:11 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Scope: Proposals for innovation actions targeted under this topic should address the re-orientation and repurposing of production capacities to meet the urgent needs of our societies for vital medical supplies and equipment. 

The scope covers:
  • The repurposing, adaptation and ramp-up of production lines to quickly adjust to new and urgent production needs, notably medical equipment (e.g. personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators), diagnostic technologies already deployed based on advanced materials and/or biotechnologies, as well as service systems and automated systems of disinfection.

  • Demonstrate flexibility models for the supply chain for the repurposing of production lines and proper risk management in case of disruption of supply chains (or other necessary means for enabling production, such as energy feedstock)

  • Automation technologies that are less dependent on work force present in factories, certification/calibration/accreditation of production lines that have been repurposed or restarted after a shutdown.

  • Qualification of operators/technicians for new/repurposed production lines.  
Detalii, conditii de eligibilitate si alte informatii AICI

Types of action: Innovation action | Programme: Horizon 2020
Open for submission Opening date: 19 May 2020
Deadline model: single-stage
Deadline date: 11 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Scope: Innovation Actions of one of the following two categories to:
1) Support solutions that are close-to-market (TRL 7) in one of the COVID-19 areas mentioned below and that have already received, or are about to receive, the CE marking to proceed to large scale testing, piloting and deployment operations in critical healthcare areas (or wherever else is relevant) (type 1); 

2) Support market innovation (from lab-to-fab) for further developing and maturing innovative solutions that have already been validated in lab environments (TRL 6-7 or higher) with the aim to help accelerate developments and achieve conformity assessment (CE marking) (type 2). 

This topic addresses consortia consisting of innovative technology providers, including SMEs, and/or organisations that can offer the range of activities required to address the objectives of the topic; the latter could for example be based on Digital Innovation Hubs, digital health accelerators and knowledge hubs, Centres offering Pilot Lines or similar technology, business and/or knowledge transfer organisations. 

The innovative technology providers can be either members of the applicant consortia or selected through open calls organised by the consortium using financial support to third parties.

The support offered could include access to product development, accelerator, incubator and technical services and capabilities such as testing and experimentation facilities together with expertise, prototyping, design, engineering or pilot manufacturing services as necessary, as well as providing support for medical certification and clinical validation. 

Any use of third party grants must result in minimal administrative burden for participants, and allow the fastest possible launch of the projects. 

Detalii, conditii de eligibilitate si alte informatii AICI 

3. Behavioural, social and economic impacts of the outbreak response
Types of action: Research and Innovation action | Programme: Horizon 2020
Open for submission
Opening date: 19 May 2020
Deadline model: single-stage
Deadline date:11 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Scope: Proposals should focus on lessons learnt: they should:  
i) address how to mitigate social and economic impacts of the outbreak response related to health systems;
ii) identify non-intended consequences of epidemic-control decisions;
iii) provide answers to social, including gendered, dynamics of the outbreak and the related public health response. Proposals should analyse the effects and efficiency of these responses (including resilience factors), democratic governance, multi-level cooperation, the critical gaps and the various exit strategies, their underlying methodologies and regional adaptations. 

Proposals are expected to develop guidelines and best ‘next practices’, and implement interventions to mitigate impacts and boost wellbeing. 

In particular, in their proposals the applicants are encouraged to integrate multiple medical, social sciences and humanities disciplines, including anthropology, psychology, sociology, epidemiology, implementation science, journalism & communication, economics and political sciences, as well as gender studies and intersectional research to address the following inter-related dimensions: 
  • Analyse and compare outbreak responses across Europe and impacts on human behaviour and social dynamics
  • Mental health and health inequalities: 
Detalii, conditii de eligibilitate si alte informatii AICI

Types of action: Research and Innovation action | Programme: Horizon 2020
Open for submission
Opening date: 19 May 2020
Deadline model: single-stage
Deadline date:11 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent demand for evidence-based innovative and rapid solutions to deal with health and health-related emergencies, to offer the best possible care to patients, and to protect the general population and the frontline health care staff. 

This expression of interest is to complement research efforts in the fight against the coronavirus, in particular projects resulting from the first H2020 expression of interest, which is currently addressing epidemiology and modelling, diagnostics, treatment, and vaccine.

In parallel, Research and Innovation should without delay start analysing the lessons from the present crisis, in particular its impact on health and socio-economic aspects, and propose recommendations for being better prepared in the future if confronted with similar events. 

The following aspects should be considered:
  • The population-based cohort should allow to rapidly identify what risk and protective factors influence the susceptibility to infection, clinical manifestation (asymptomatic, mild, severe, lethal), therapeutic response and clinical outcome in order to deliver evidence-based recommendations on the best strategies to control the spread of the virus and to protect the entire population.

    Essential factors to be considered might include the following: sex, age, genetics, viral variants, virus shedding, host-pathogen interactions, immune system, medication, previous vaccinations, deep phenotyping, microbiome, biomarkers, co-morbidities, co-infections, clinical events including clinical course of the COVID-19 infection, etc.

    Other variables could also be informative, such as environment, biodiversity, pollution, urban characteristics, climate, socio-economic determinants, disinformation, lifestyle, confinement measures, etc.

  • The population-based cohort should allow to identify the most successful clinical management options and treatments since the start of the outbreak, from primary infection up to post-recovery multidisciplinary rehabilitation.

    The cohort should take stock of the evidence produced by large-scale studies and/or local practices in order to develop recommendations for optimized treatment and management of future patients.

  • The population-based cohort should also assess in the short/medium/long-term the impact of COVID-19 and the varying mitigating national/regional measures on health, well-being and socio-economic factors of individuals.

    Issues to be considered might include the following: disruption of medical care, especially for chronic diseases (cancer, metabolic syndrome, CVD/Hypertension, etc.), mental health, employment, education, social interactions, etc.

Detalii, conditii de eligibilitate si alte informatii AICI

Types of action: Coordination and support action | Programme: Horizon 2020
Open for submission
Opening date: 19 May 2020
Deadline model: single-stage
Deadline date:11 June 2020 17:00:00 Brussels time

Specific Challenge: Several large-scale cohorts are supported in Europe and the world with valuable information on health of individuals and various factors that might be associated to the perturbation of health. 

Such existing cohorts might provide key information relevant to COVID-19, including on risk factors, the benefits and risks of healthcare interventions including medicines and on the impact of vaccination. 

However, the challenge is to be able to identify and extract a sufficiently high number of cases with corresponding high-quality data that can be used across the different cohorts. Consequently, existing cohorts should be brought together in a common effort to standardize data associated to COVID-19 and extract information that will help ensuring optimal prevention, protection and treatment of citizens. 

Scope: Proposals under this coordination and support action should support the international networking of existing, mainly longitudinal, cohorts in order to extract jointly agreed standardized data on COVID-19 diagnosed/serotyped and matched non-infected individuals. 

This effort should contribute to help in the identification of key factors influencing the susceptibility to infection and clinical manifestation, to assess the optimized therapeutic and clinical management options, and to derive lessons on the health and socio-economic impacts of the pandemic. 

They should develop cohort readiness to adapt rapidly to future crisis. Proposals should consider strategies to interact with the COVID-19 cohort(s) that will be funded under this expression of interest and international initiatives on cohorts, as well as liaising with the network of clinical trials on COVID-19. 

The Commission considers that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of between EUR 2 and 3 million would allow these specific challenges to be addressed appropriately. Nonetheless, this does not preclude submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

Expected Impact:
  • Pooling of data from multiple existing cohorts that will inform on key aspects related to COVID-19 and provide evidence-based recommendations for health policies in preventive strategies, protective actions, and disease management.

  • Creating a cohort framework to rapidly address pandemics in the future. 

Detalii, conditii de eligibilitate si alte informatii AICI 

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