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International Workshop: Curriculum design based on micro-credentials and flexible approaches

As micro-credentials’ uprise become an important topic on the educational agenda, closely linked with the developments on how academic curricula can be redesigned and readdressed, the University of Bucharest and UEFISCDI organises the International Workshop “Curriculum design based on micro-credentials and flexible approaches”.

The event will take place in an online format, on the 23rd of March 2023 (10:00-13:00 CET), and aims to bring together experts, academics, researchers, decision makers, students and other individuals interested in how micro-credentials can become new approaches for designing flexible learning pathways in higher education.

The agenda of the workshop can be accessed here.

The keynote speaker, Mairéad Nic Giolla Mhichíl (Director of Micro-Credential Strategy & Innovation, Dublin City University), is a key expert at international level on the topic of micro-credentials and universities and will provide the participants with real insights on the connections between designing new learning experiences and the use of micro-credentials and flexible models. Further discussions and practical activities will be coordinated by Nadia Férnandez de Pinedo and Zoa Alonso Férnandez, experts of Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and CIVIS – Europe’s Civic University Alliance on the topic of micro-credentials in higher education.

Registration is open until 20th of March and can be done through the registration form.

The workshop is part of the events organised in the project “New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values (NewFAV)”, coordinated by UEFISCDI, implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, supported by associated partners such as the European University Association (EUA), European Students’ Union (ESU), UNICA Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe, and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).

Further information on the event can be requested to the following email address:
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