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Peer learning activity: intra-relations between fundamental values

On the 23rd of January 2024, UEFISCDI together with the European Students’ Union (ESU) organized the Peer Learning Activity – on intra-relations between fundamental values in Higher Education, in Brussels. The event is part of the „New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values (NewFAV)” project.

The event took place at the Mundo Trône (Mundo-j) building (Rue de l'Industrie 10, 1000 Brussels), starting at 9:00. The event agenda is available here.

The event aimed to bring together decision-makers, representatives from various international, national and local structures with a role in promoting fundamental values in higher education, to debate the topic of the intra-relations between fundamental values - status quo, challenges and opportunities.

Challenges and opportunities of the academic fundamental values in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) were addressed. The main stakeholders representing the different EU-led initiatives and who are involved in defining and monitoring fundamental values in higher education and research followed-up on on-going work and discussed complementarities and potential synergies between the European projects in Fundamental academic values.

The event provided a future perspective on a technical policy framework of indicators for the measurement, monitoring and evaluation of fundamental values, with a focus on how to approach the intra-relations between fundamental values of higher education.

Participation was open to experts, representatives of public institutions and non-governmental organizations, academic and administrative staff, teachers, researchers, students and other people interested in the proposed topic.

The workshop is part of the activities organized within the international project "New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values (NewFAV)", coordinated by UEFISCDI, implemented in cooperation with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, through funding from the European Commission.

The project is supported by the European University Association (EUA), the European Student Union (ESU), the Network of Universities in European Capitals (UNICA) and the German Service for Academic Exchanges (DAAD).

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