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The White Book of the Transition to Open Science

The White Book provides detailed information on the implementation of the principles, challenges, and actions included in Objective 1.2, "Ensuring the Transition to Open Science and Facilitating the Path to Excellence in Scientific Research" of the National Strategy for Research, Innovation, and Smart Specialization 2022-2027 (SNCISI), dedicated to the adoption of practices that support open science at the national level.

This strategic document has 8 directions (strategic intervention objectives) and proposes subsequent actions for achieving the Open Science Vision for Romania for the time horizon of 2030. The strategic objectives are discussed in dedicated briefs that describe the current state and propose nationally oriented strategic actions; these aim to comprehensively address the implications of Open Science and are anchored in the national context, international practices, major trends, and recommendations defined by the main European and global recommendations such as the European Commission's recommendationsUNESCO's Recommendation on Open Science (2021), and the Conclusions of the Competitiveness Council on Research Assessment and Implementation of Open Science from June 10, 2022.

The leaflet of the English version of the White Book of the Transition to Open Science 2023 - 2030 can be downloaded here.
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