Stire 16 Aprilie 2021 Workshop Ro Paul Ayris

Workshop - Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe – rhetorics and practices - Paul Ayris - University College London

UEFISCDI, host of the Romanian Open Science Knowledge Hub and the Romanian Programme Operator for the Research Programme under EEA and Norway Grants organizes the on-line international workshop “Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe – rhetorics and practices”. For two days (19 – 20 April 2021) internationally renowned experts will give presentations and share their experience on the challenges associated with making open science a reality. A special focus will be given to the challenges and practices of embedding open access to the research results as it is mandated by the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanism.

Paul Ayris - University College London, will outline during his speech „Open Science – a blueprint for the university in the 21st century?”, a case study to illustrate the cultural change which is needed in an organization to support a move to Open Science.

More details on the event can be found here.
Registration is open and free of charge.
Explore the available digital tools and possible networking opportunities here.
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