Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe: Rhetoric and Practice

Date: 19-20 April 2021, Bucharest
Time: 12:00-16.00 CET / 13:00-17.00 Bucharest Time, 11:00- 15.00 UK Time
Location: online here.
Language: The discussions will be in English
Event funded under EEA &Norway Grants - Romanian Research Programme

Event recording is available here!

The draft agenda of the webinar can be accessed here.
The registration for participation is available here.
Explore the available digital tools and possible networking opportunities here.

~ Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe ~

UEFISCDI - the host of the Romanian Open Science Knowledge Hub and the Romanian Programme Operator for the Research Programme under EEA and Norway Grants - organizes the on-line international workshop “Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe – rhetorics and practices”.
The event is organised with the support of Scientific Knowledge Services.
The discussions are addressed to the research and innovation communities from the countries beneficiaries of EEA and Norway Grants and other further interested communities and organisations around Europe.

The workshop will take place during 2 days and will tackle the challenges associated with making open science a reality: how research is undertaken, how the outputs are stored and disseminated, how researchers collaborate, how success is measured and how researchers are rewarded for Open Science approaches. A special focus will be given to the challenges and practices of embedding open access to the research results as it is mandated by the EEA and Norway Financial Mechanism.

With a research culture that had to prove its principles during pandemic times, new funding cycles and an increasing number of Open Science national roadmaps, we see the need to bind the rhetoric and practice of this new way of doing research.

This event is organised to host deep conversation and interaction for topics like:
– Open Science at a Glance: its current state at various European countries
– Current practices for making Open Access effective strategies
– Open Science, Research Assessment and Career Development.
– Supporting Open Science: the role of academic institutions and the role of other research organisations
– How do we differentiate regionally and nationally?
– What Open Science means for public-private partnerships?
– How Open Science and Competitiveness go together?
– Citizen Science – an essential part of Open Science in Europe 

We expect an audience of researchers, funders, research administrators, knowledge transfer officers and research libraries (other professionals being welcome). We expect the main audience to come from the countries listed under the EEA and Norway Grants, but we encourage even more international participation. The research community nurtured by the EEA and Norway Grants is dynamic and responsive, therefore we expect consistent participation.

Confirmed Speakers 

Adrian Curaj, UEFISCDI

Adrian Curaj is a former minister of education, science and innovation. He is the head of the UNESCO Chair on Science and Innovation Policies at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, and a professor at the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest. He had been working as a consultant for the World Bank, UNESCO, UNIDO, ETF and EC for studies in Tertiary Education, Science and Innovation, and Foresight. Adrian Curaj is a member of the Board of Directors of the U.S. Fulbright Commission in Romania and fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS).
He has been at the forefront of developments in Smart Specialization as Europe’s contribution to the new industrial innovation policy, in policy advising for higher education as a host and chair of the Bologna Process Researcher Conferences and of the main initiatives supporting progress towards Open Science in Romania. He is the visionary and leader of the Open Science Knowledge Hub Romania and a strong supporter of open science literacy building. The presentation is available here.

Rune Vistad, The Research Council of Norway

Rune Vistad works as Director at the Department for International Cooperation at the Research Council of Norway.

Colleen Campbell, Max Planck Digital Library

Colleen Campbell recently joined the Max Planck Digital Library to lead Partner Development in the global Open Access 2020 Initiative. Previously, Director for Institutional Participation and Strategic Partnerships in Europe for JSTOR and Portico, she has over 20 years’ experience working in various roles within the scholarly communications sector. She is presently serving a 3-year term as an elected member of the UKSG Main Committee and recently co-edited an issue of Against the Grain on the Future of the Monograph. Combining her passions for books and people, she began work in Library acquisitions while pursuing a Theatre degree from Indiana University. She later completed an MA in Italian Studies from Middlebury College and settled near Florence, Italy. The presentation is available here.

Emili Poznanski, CEU Press

Emily Poznanski, Director of the Central European University Press, has worked in open access publishing for over 10 years. Formerly, Emily was Director of Strategy & Insights and a member of the Executive Management Group at De Gruyter. From 2011 to 2016, she was Product Manager, Open Access Books at De Gruyter Open developing what is now one of the largest independent source of open access books worldwide and Assistant Product Manager at Versita working on the launch of numerous open access journals across STEM and HSS, as well as the transition of titles from subscription to OA. The presentation is available here.

Frances Inter, Phd CEU Press

Dr. Frances Pinter is the Executive Chair of the Central European University Press and formerly CEO of Manchester University Press. She advises several small university presses around the world. She was the founding Publisher of Bloomsbury Academic. She is also the founder of Knowledge Unlatched, taking a particular interest in developing sustainable business models for Open Access monographs. Previously she was Publishing Director at the Open Society Foundation and developed the business model for EIFL. Earlier she founded Pinter Publishers that also owned Leicester University Press and established the imprint Belhaven Press. The presentation is available here.

Huma Shah, Coventry University

Dr. Huma Shah gained her PhD in 'Deception-detection and machine intelligence in Practical Turing tests' from Reading University in 2011. From 2012 to 2014 she worked as research fellow on the EU FP7 funded 'RoboLaw' project. Since 2014 she has been with Coventry University researching and teaching AI trust and AI ethics. She is Director of Science (Co-Investigator) leading an eleven-partner international team on an EU Horizon2020 research and innovation project: CSI-COP. Huma is co-author of 'Turing's Imitation Game: Conversations with the Unknown', published by Cambridge University Press in September 2016. The presentation is available here.

Dr. Ignasi Labastida, University of Barcelona

Dr. Ignasi Labastida is the Head of the Office the Dissemination of Knowledge at the Universitat de Barcelona where he is also leading the Research Unit at the CRAI (Learning and Research Resource Center). From this Office he is leading different projects towards openness related to open educational resources, open access and open data within his own institution and partnering with external institutions. He has been a member of the OCW Consortium Board of Directors on behalf of Creative Commons and a member of the Administrative Council of Communia, an International Association on the Public Domain built on the eponymous Thematic Network. Currently, he is engaged in the LEARN project funded by the European Commission aimed at the implementation of the LERU Roadmap for Research Data. He is also a member of the Steering Committee of the CIO Community of the LERU. The presentation is available here.


Iryna Kuchma is the EIFL Open Access Programme Manager. Working in collaboration with libraries and library consortia in more than 60 countries in Africa, Asia and Europe, she advocates for open access to research results, facilitates the development and implementation of open science policies and infrastructures, and provides support and training. Iryna coordinates the OpenAIRE Community of Practice for Training Coordinators and is chairperson of the OpenAIRE Training and Support Standing Committee. She sits on the boards of directors of the Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) and the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (NDLTD). She serves on the UNESCO Open Science Advisory Committee and on the advisory boards of the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures Project (COPIM); the Open Access 2020 Initiative (OA2020), and Open Access Week. Iryna is a member of the Coalition International Committee, and of the DSpace Community Advisory Team. She is also an Associate Editor for the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). In 2013, Iryna received the Electronic Publishing Trust (EPT) for Development Annual Award, in recognition of her ‘efforts in the furtherance of open access to scholarly publications in the developing and emerging countries’. The presentation is available here.

Julien Roche served as Director of the libraries of the University of Lille – Sciences and Technologies from 2005 to 2018, where he led a strategic project for the university: the creation of the LILLIAD Innovation Learning Center, to support the innovation process of the university, including a new building opened in September 2016.
Following a merger of Lille’s three universities he became, in March 2018, director of libraries at the newly enlarged University of Lille. From 2010 to 2016, Julien served on LIBER’s Executive Board. He was also Chair of the LIBER Steering Committee on Reshaping the Research Library and led the Leadership Working Group, which is responsible for two leadership programs: the Emerging Leaders programme (part of the LIBER brand since 2011) and the LIBER Journées programme, launched in 2015. In July 2018, he was elected as LIBER Vice-President.
Julien Roche also has several national responsibilities including co-chair of the “European and international” college of the French Open Science Committee since July 2018. The presentation is available here.

Marie Louise Conradsen, Aarhus University

Marie Louise Conradsen is Head of Open Science at Aarhus University (The Faculty of Natural Science and The Faculty of Technical Science). Since 2016, she has developed the university’s early experiments with open science within several research areas, and she now heads the ODIN initiative. Marie Louise has a strong interest in need- and research driven innovation, as she has approached the topic from many angles throughout previous employments in both the private and the public sector. She holds a PhD from Copenhagen Business School and a MSc in Molecular Biology and The history of Science from Aarhus University. The presentation is available here.

Paolo Budroni, TU Wien Library

Paolo Budroni, member of staff of University Library of Technical University of Vienna, in charge of International Projects and Change Management. Member of the EOSC Secretariat, Sub Task Researchers Engagement, based at TU-Wien. Counselling Partner of University of Vienna, H2020 Project EOSC Pillar. He holds a PhD in Philosophy, Art History, and Romance Philology and an education degree in Foreign Trade at the Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU). Among his areas of expertise are research data management, the architecture of digital asset management systems, current research information systems and cost development in life cycle management of data. He is also advising research institutions in Europe in data management policy development and alignment. Paolo Budroni is Austrian National Delegate in the E-Infrastructure Reflection Group (E-IRG) , member of board of the Austrian RDA National Node , chair of the General Assembly of E-Infrastructures Austria, member of board of Open Education Austria (advanced library services) , registered TAIEX Expert, coordinator of the Austrian Open Science Support Group (AOSSG). He represents the TU Wien at COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories). The presentation is available here.

Paul Ayris, University College London

Dr Paul Ayris is Pro-Vice- Provost (UCL Library Services). He joined UCL in 1997. Dr Ayris was the President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) 2010-14; he is now Advisor to the LIBER Board. He is Co-Chair of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) INFO Community. He chairs the OAI Organizing Committee for the Cern-Unige Workshops on Innovations in Scholarly Communication. He is also the Chair of JISC Collections’ Content Strategy Group. On 1 August 2013, Dr Ayris became Chief Executive of UCL Press. He is a member of the Provost and President’s Senior Management Team in UCL. He has a Ph.D. in Ecclesiastical History and publishes on English Reformation Studies. The presentation is available here.

       Teodor Ivanoaica, ELI-DC 

Teodor Ivanoaica is Senior Coordinator for Scientific Computation and Data Management at Extreme Light Infrastructure – Delivery Consortium (ELI-DC). He leads the planning and implementation of ELI’s scientific data management services, in particular ELI’s involvement in the PaNOSC project. ELI is one of the first large Research Infrastructure where FAIR and Open Data are corner-stone in Data Management and is committed to provide its users with state-of-the-art tools, methods and services for the acquisition, analysis, curation, and preservation of data derived from experiments.
Teodor has more than 10 years of experience in Large International Collaborations, as part of Ro-LCG team and LHCb Experiment National Computing Board representative on behalf of the Romanian Collaboration, participating in WLCG Worldwide LHC Computing GRID.
Teodor has been senior systems engineer for large companies and has an excellent understanding of the Data Science frameworks provided by the IT industry, including the tools, processes and procedures relevant for data at large. His philosophy is that each data set provides diverse, complex information, relevant to several categories or communities of users. The presentation is available here.

Lightning Talk presentations are available here:
  • Octavian Andronic - Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest
  • Vladimir Risojević - University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Deniz Ozdemir - Charles University
  • Arend Küster - Springer Nature
  • Milen Baltov - Burgas Free Univcersity
  • Elli Papadopoulou - ATHENA Research and Innovation Center
  • Linda Andersson - Artificial Researcher IT GmbH
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