Collaborative Research Projects

The purpose of the Call for proposals is to provide funding through collaborative research projects that aim to enhance research - based knowledge development in Romania.
Pre-announcement Collaborative Research Projects (CRPs) - Norway Grants Call 2019

Call budget
Submitted projects
Financed projects

Projects distribution by Project Promoters County

Project Promoters distribution by County

Projects distribution by Country

Contracting will be done using the online platform:
The documents necessary for contracting (projects funded in Call NO 2019):
The documents necessary for contracting (projects funded in Call NO 2019 - rezerve list):
Useful documents/links:
Link to list of institutions eligible for the STIM-EU instrument, which also lists all institutes with personnel rates approved by the Research Council of Norway which can be used as Standard scales of unit costs in EEA and Norway Grants projects.

The RO NO 2019 (NO Grants) budget was increased by 5.273.529 euro. Thus, 5 reserve list projects are to be funded.

The complains could be sent by e-mail to or by fax to 021 307 19 19, within 3 workdays from the date of publication of the final results (24-26.06.2020, 4:00 PM). The comments and scores given by the experts and members of panels will not be subject to appeals. Grounds for appeals includ conflicts of interest and errors in administrative procedure.
List of registered appeals

All the appeals have been analysed. No conflicts of interest and errors in administrative procedure have been identified. Every appeal was punctually answered, in response to the issues reported.
The individual evaluation step has ended.

During this period (11 - 29 May 2020), the panel meetings for the 6 thematic areas take place, the results being analysed and validated by the Program Committee.

We estimate that the final results will be announced after 20th of June 2020.

The list of experts involved in the evaluation process is available here
Final list of eligible project proposals here

The list of received appeals submitted after eligibility check here.

The eligibility list of project proposals is available here.
The list of submitted project proposals available here
For the presentation of the call document, the guide of the applicant/evaluator and the instructions regarding the submission of project proposals within this competition, a public information event (Info Day) was organised together with the Research Council of Norway, on 15th of October 2019, Lysaker (Abel1 room), Oslo. A live streaming was also arranged for those who were not available for participanting at the event.

Call document (pdf)

Annex 1 Funding application

Annex 1.1 - Project Application Form - Part A (pdf) 
The online form containing general information about the project, details of the Project Promoter and project partners, team member list, budget breakdown 

Annex 1.2 - Project Application Form - Part B (.doc) 
The form must be downloaded, filled in offline and converted to .pdf before uploading to the submission platform (

In the context of the specification on page 2 of the “Project Application - Part B”, namely: “Of the maximum 30 pages applied to sections 1, 2 and 3, applicants are free to decide on the allocation of pages between the sections ", the number of max 10 pages mentioned in brackets, at sub-chapter 2.1, does not apply.

Annex 1.3 - Ethics issues table (.doc) - if applicable, the form must be downloaded, filled in offline and converted to .pdf before uploading to the submission platform, together with requested documents (

Annex 1.4 - State Aid Scheme (pdf) and Declarations/Statements
The declarations/statements must be  downloaded, filled in offline, signed and scanned in .pdf format before uploading to the submission platform (
PP public institutions have the obligation to make public the intention to establish a partnership with private entities (from Romania and Donor States) in order to implement a project funded by the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms, except for accredited private higher education institutions (art.24, Gouverment Emergency Ordinance, No.34/2017). For the projects in this situation supporting documents for this purpose will be uploaded  in the dedicated section of the online submission platform (including printscreen with the published selection procedure accepted).

Annex 1.5 - VAT Declaration - each Project Promoter and project partner must declare if they reclaim or not the VAT from the national tax authorities in conformity with national tax regulation (.doc) - needed to be completed by all applicants (from RO and Donor States)

Other documents - needed to be completed only by Principal Investigator
The forms must be downloaded, filled in offline and converted to .pdf before uploading to the submission platform (
Useful document

Useful information
  • Deadline for submission of applications: 16th of December 2019 (4:00 PM Romanian time)
  • Submission platform is available at
  • The participation of enterprises in projects is done in compliance with the State Aid Scheme. Any inconsistencies existing in the application for financing regarding the application of the co-financing percentage, as well as the max. of 10% for the fundamental research, it is regulated at contracting, in case the project is accepted for funding.
Frequently asked questions here
Contact person(s):
Monica CRUCERU 90
Monica Cruceru
Call coordinator
+40 21 308 05 61
+40 21 311 59 92
AndreeaDimitriu 90
Andreea Dimitriu
Project officer
+40 21 302 38 52
+40 21 311 59 92
mihaela calin 90
Mihaela Calin
Project officer
+40 21 302 38 51
+40 21 311 59 92
MihaelaManole 90
Mihaela Manole
State Aid Officer
+40 21 302 38 63
+40 21 311 59 92
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