
Workshop Trieste - Invitation for Young Scientists

European Early Innovators Initiative - EEII opens process of selection for 9 researchers who are currently at the university or who have received their PhD degree not longer than 3 years ago.

Selected researchers will benefit from:
– flight tickets and accommodation in Trieste (Italy);
– tailor-made coaching session on their presentation;
– promotion of their projects before and after session in Trieste (Italy).

How to apply?

Please submit:
a. (mandatory) project description (presentation) which includes:
– Brief description of the idea/prototype;
– Business sectors of application;
– Explain why it is feasible;
– Prove it`s feasibility by naming companies that might be interested;
– Write briefly what are the results in case you have tested it;
– Other data that you consider it relevant.

b. (not mandatory) Short motivation letter
This will be a selection criteria in case of projects being at the same level of quality.

Please send the project description (and motivation letter) to bucharest@steinbeis-romania.com
Subject: Application for EEII workshop in Trieste, (name), (country)

Preferred deadline: End of September2018
Event in Trieste: November 2018

Știri asociate:
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