Small Grant Scheme (SGS)

The call aims to support the Romanian promising candidates in order to improve their project proposals before resubmitting to ERC (European Research Council) calls.                                                                                                                     
List of selected projects for funding is available here
The list of eligibility check results is available here
The list of submitted project proposals available here
Call document (.pdf)

The Romanian researchers who applied in ERC calls with institutions from abroad are eligible, if they are employed in an eligible Romanian institution at the time of their participation in the current competition.

Funding application

Annex 1 - Project Application Form
  • Annex 1.1 - Project Application online form (.pdf) 
    Section IV from the Project Application online form could be, also, fill in for an institution from abroad 
  • Annex 1.2 - Project Core Application containing the application from the previous ERC call (only the Extended Synopsis of the scientific proposal - part B1, section a) and its Evaluation Report; both documents should be uploaded in the online platform ( in the dedicated session;
  • Annex 1.3 - Proposal form (word doc.) to be downloaded, completed, signed, scanned and uploaded in the online platform ( in the dedicated session;
  • Annex 1.4 - Letter of acceptance (free format) from the ERC Grantee institution which will host the Romanian researcher (Beneficiary) during the research visit; to be signed, scanned and uploaded in the online platform ( in the dedicated session;
  • Annex 1.5 - CV of the Romanian researcher (including three main publications in the last five years, no more 2-3 A4 pages); to be scanned and uploaded in the online platform ( in the dedicated session;
  • Annex 1.6 - Declaration of the Romanian researcher certifying, on his/her own responsibility, the correction of the information contained in the electronic version of the application and in Proposal form; to be scanned and uploaded in the online platform ( in the dedicated session.
Contractual Agreement

OUG 34/2017

The submission platform ( 
Contact person(s):
Monica CRUCERU 90
Monica Cruceru
Call coordinator
+40 21 308 05 61
+40 21 311 59 92
Luiza Enaru 90
Maria Luiza Enaru
Project officer
+40 21 308 05 02
+40 21 311 59 92
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