
Follow-up workshop activity: Promoting the Fundamental Values of Higher Education through Effective Monitoring

UEFISCDI in collaboration with King’s College London organized the workshop  Promoting the Fundamental Values of Higher Education through Effective Monitoring, in London on the 8th of May 2024. The workshop activity focused on the effective monitoring of these values, as outlined in the agenda, accessible here.

The workshop presentations can be accessed below:
  • 14.20 – 14.30: NewFAV project presentation & setting the scene
    Cezar Haj, Project Manager New FAV

  • 14.30 -15.00: The monitoring framework for the fundamental values of higher education in the EHEA: process, methodology, content
    Liviu Matei, Head of the King's School of Education, Communication & Society

  • 15.30 – 15.45: The monitoring mechanism for the fundamental values of higher education in the EHEA. Piloting phase: preparation and ambitions
    Elizaveta Potapova, Senior Researcher, Public Policy Management Institute

  • 15.45 – 16.30: Lessons from piloting the monitoring mechanism at system level Finland
    Sirkku Kupiainen, Coordinator of educational assessment, University of Helsinki
    Ales Vlk, Vice Dean for external relations and development, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Participants engaged in thorough discussions about the process, methodology, and content, including the preparations for and ambitions of the piloting phase, along with the lessons learned from the system-wide application of the monitoring mechanism. The event was accessible to experts, public institution representatives, NGO members, academic and administrative staff, researchers, students, and any individuals keen on exploring the discussed themes.

The event was organized as part of the activities within the "New building blocks of the Bologna Process: fundamental values NewFAV" project, coordinated by UEFISCDI and implemented in collaboration with the Norwegian Ministry of Education and Research, with funding support from the European Commission.  It is supported by the European University Association (EUA), the European Student Union (ESU), the Network of Universities in European Capitals (UNICA) and the German Service for Academic Exchanges (DAAD).

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