Stire 2 noiembrie 2021 UTCN

Post event - The Road towards EOSC as seen from the national level

The Open Science Knowledge Hub – UEFISCDI (OSKH) (OpenAIRE NOAD and Romanian RDA Node) in collaboration with the coordinators of National Initiative regarding the Open Science Cloud (RO-NOSCI) joined hands with The Authority for Digitalization of Romania (ADR) and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (UTCN) to organize the online event „The Road towards EOSC as seen from the national level”, October 20th.

This action was part of the „Strategic framework for the adoption and use of innovative technologies in the public administration 2021 – 2027 – solutions for improving the activity” project dedicated to drafting national strategic recommendations that will support Romania’s efforts of integrating into the European initiatives in the field of Open Science and High Performance Computing - HPC.

The audience has been formed of around 72 people representing members of the national research and innovation community as well as other actors interested in the subject of Open Science and High Performance Computing – HPC.

Presentations of the webinar can be found here:

• The European e-infrastructures: role of OpenAIRE in EOSC - Giulia Malaguarnera, OpenAIRE
• EOSC Association recent developments & future plans - Dragoș Barbu, ICI
• EOSC development and support from the regional and national level:
   NI4OS-Europe as an incubator of the RO-NOSCI - Gabriel Neagu, ICI
           Romanian Initiative for Open Science Cloud (RO-NOSCI) - Alina Irimia, OSKH - UEFISCDI
• General overview of FAIRsFAIR - Ingrid Dillo, DANS and FAIRsFAIR
• FAIR Data policies – how to support FAIR and Open Research Data at the national level - Kevin Ashley, DCC and FAIRsFAIR project
Mai multe detalii
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