NSF-UEFISCDI Lead Agency Opportunity

The partnership enables and facilitates research collaboration between U.S. and Romanian researchers in the context that research becomes increasingly global in nature, identifies and develops flexible mechanisms to foster and support collaborative international research.
This collaboration is expected to generate valuable discoveries and innovations that may lead to enhancements in multiple areas of science and technology. The partnership expects to achieve this goal through collaborative research projects in which the funding agencies fund the elements of research undertaken by researchers based in their respective countries.

Proposals will be accepted for collaborative research in area of Mathematical Science based on the Memorandum of Understanding between the National Science Foundation of the United States and the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding of Romania (MoU).

Fonduri alocate Ro
Proiecte depuse Ro
Proiecte finanţate Ro

Eligibility Criteria for the Romanian applicants:

The financing instrument is addressed to researchers from Romania, with achievements demonstrated through the quality and the international recognition of the obtained scientific results within Mathematical and Physical Sciences:
  • The Lead Researcher is PhD.
  • The project is implemented in a Romanian research organisation, hereinafter referred to as the host institution. The host institution cannot be an enterprise, in the sense of state aid legislation;
  • The host institution is not declared, according to the law, to be in a state of payment default; it does not have accounts blocked following a court order; it has not made inaccurate declarations concerning the information required by UEFISCDI for the selection of contractors; it has not broken the terms of another funding contract signed previously with a Contracting Authority;
  • The Lead Researcher is employed full-time at the host institution in Romania, for an indefinite or specified period, which covers at least the period of the funding contract, or has the employment agreement, from the host institution, at least for the period of the funding contract;
  • It is forbidden to submit project proposals which relate to already financed activities or are funded by other sources, national or international;
  • A person may submit, as a Lead Researcher, only one project proposal.
Required documents for the Romanian applicants for stage I of application process: Expression of Interest (EoI).
According to the call documents, the EoI will be submitted by the researcher from USA to National Science Foundation (NSF).
Additional the researcher from Romania (partner), must fill in, sign and send by email, all the documents bellow, to monica.cruceru@uefiscdi.ro:
Duration of projects:
24 - 48 months (in accordance with NSF rules)

Project budget (Romanian team):
up to 1.200.000 RON (about 260.000 USD)
All proposals must fall within the mission and funding parameters of both NSF/MPS/DMS and UEFISCDI. Proposals that do not fall within the missions of both funding organizations will not be considered.

There is a two-stage application process. Stage 1, Expression of Interest (EOI) submission, must be completed prior to Stage 2, full proposal submission. The lead researcher for the Romanian component will use for section ”Target UEFISCDI Program” the following ”Complex Bilateral Research Projects”.
The US PI will complete the EOI and will email the completed form to nsf-uefiscdi@nsf.gov. More details are available here

Joint webinar to announce the new collaboration was organized on Thursday, July 27 from 11:00AM to 12:00PM Eastern Time U.S. (18:00 - 19:00 Romanian time). The registration link was available here.

The National Science Foundation of the United States (NSF
The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding of Romania (UEFISCDI) 

The role of the agencies is to manage the preparation, submission, review, and awarding of proposals submitted collaboratively from U.S. and Romanian investigators as part of a Lead Agency Opportunity between the NSF and UEFISCDI.
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