Open Science strategic approaches and the importance of open research data

Date: October 6th, Bucharest
Time: 10:00-13:00 CET/11:00-14:00 Bucharest Time, 9:00-12:00 UK Time
Location: online event - Zoom (link to be sent in due time)
Language: The discussions will be in English

Romanian R&I community meets international experts to discuss Open Science strategic approaches with a focus on open research data.

The scope of the event: exchange of good practices between national stakeholders and experts and international experts in the context of developing a national Open Science (OS) strategic approach for Romania with a focus on the importance of open research data and the development of the European Open Science Cloud. 

Targeted Participants: international experts involved in open science & open research data activities + national experts and stakeholders (policy makers, universities and other research institutions, libraries, relevant actors from private sector), team involved in drafting the national OS strategic framework for Romania.

The draft agenda of the webinar can be accessed here.

The registration for participation is available here.

Presentations given at the event can be accessed using the following links:
• Open science and actions lines for an OS transition in Romania, Alina Irimia, OS projects coordinator, Open Science Knowledge Hub - UEFISCDI
• How FAIR does national European research data policy need to be?, Vanessa Proudman, Director SPARC Europe
• Research Data Management in a research-intensive university, Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost for OS (UCL Library Services), CEO of UCL Press, Co-Chair LERU
• BESOC prototype: A Citizen Science Single Point of Contact for Universities, Tiberius Ignat, Director of Scientific Knowledge Services
• Open Research in a post-COVID world, Daniel Hook, CEO Digital Science
• Making Data Work for Cross Domain Grand Challenges, Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA 


Vanessa Proudman
, Director SPARC Europe
Vanessa Proudman is Director of SPARC Europe; she is working to make Open the default in Europe. Vanessa has 20 years’ international experience working with many leading university libraries worldwide, research institutions, foundations, international policy makers, information, communication and IT professionals and designers from over 20 countries. She has focused on supporting research, on open access, open science, and open culture, and above all on facilitating improved access to Europe’s decentralised research results. She has done this through international and national policy-making, advocacy and knowledge exchange; her most recent area of focus is looking at how to create and above all sustain an open science ecosystem. As Director to SPARC Europe, Vanessa is responsible for developing and implementing SPARC Europe’s Strategic Plan. She is working to make Open the default with Europe’s other Open Science organisations.

Dr. Paul Ayris, Pro-Vice-Provost for OS (UCL Library Services), CEO of UCL Press, Co-Chair LERU.
Dr. Ayris was the President of LIBER (Association of European Research Libraries) 2010-14. He is Chair of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) INFO Community. He also chairs the OAI Organizing Committee for the Cern-Unige Workshops on Innovations in Scholarly Communication. He is a member of the UUK High-Level Strategy Group on E-Resource purchasing for the Jisc community. On 1 August 2013, Dr Ayris became Chief Executive of UCL Press. He is a member of the Provost’s and President’s Senior Management Team in UCL. On 1 October 2020, Dr Ayris launched the UCL Office for Open Science and Scholarship, of which he is head. He has a Ph.D. in Ecclesiastical History and publishes on English Reformation Studies. In 2019, he was made a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

Dr. Tiberius Ignat, Director of Scientific Knowledge Services

Dr. Tiberius Ignat is the Director of Scientific Knowledge Services, a company which specialises in helping the European libraries to embrace new technologies and ways of working. He runs in partnership with UCL Press and LIBER Europe a successful series of workshops - Focus On Open Science, now in its fourth year. He is a long-time individual member of LIBER, member of European Citizen Science Association and Citizen Science Association (US) and has a personal interest in Open Science, particularly Citizen Science and the management of this cultural change. He has a PhD in Library and Information Science from the University of Bucharest. 

Daniel Hook, CEO Digital Science
Daniel is CEO at Digital Science. He has been interested in research information and the open research movement for close to twenty years. He was a co-founder of Symplectic, a research information management software provider, worked with Figshare from 2013-2015 and, most recently, is a co-founder and co-chair of the Research on Research Institute. Daniel remains an active researcher in his spare time and is affiliated with Imperial College London, Washington University in St Louis, and the University of Cambridge

Dr. Simon Hodson, Executive Director of CODATA
Simon Hodson has been Executive Director of CODATA since August 2013. He is an expert on data policy issues and research data management, who has contributed to influential reports on Current Best Practice for Research Data Management Policies and to the Science International Accord on Open Data in a Big Data World. Most recently he chaired the European Commission’s Expert Group on FAIR Data which produced the report Turning FAIR into Reality. As part of his CODATA role, he is closely involved in an ISC and CODATA initiative to improve the coordination of standards for data integration and interoperability for interdisciplinary research and in the coordination of the CODATA Data Policy Committee. Dr. Simon Hodson has a strong research background, as well as considerable project and programme management experience: from 2009 to 2013, as Programme Manager, he led two successful phases of Jisc’s innovative Managing Research Data programme in the UK.

Alina Irimia, OS projects coordinator, Open Science Knowledge Hub leader  

Alina Irimia is the OSKH leader and has been working as a foresight (strategy planning) expert within the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI) for over 10 years, taking part in various projects related to higher education, research and innovation. She has been involved in activities related to open science in the past 5 years, starting with being involved in the Knowledge Net developed by the European project PASTEUR4OA and collaborating with OpenAIRE. In 2016 she has been an adviser at the Ministry of National Education and Scientific Research for open science issues and ever since she got to be involved deeply in the subject, she become a passionate advocate for it. Alina has recently obtained her PhD in sociology at the University of Bucharest, her research being focused on the importance of science communication for prospective studies and society at large. She is also a foresight expert for RDI and OS at the UNESCO Chair on Science and Innovation Policies at the National University of Political Studies and Public Administration.
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