EEA & Norway Grants

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Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

Unitatea Executivă pentru Finanţarea Învăţământului Superior, a Cercetării, Dezvoltării şi Inovării (UEFISCDI) a fost desemnată Operator de Program (PO) pentru Programul Cercetare, din cadrul:

  • Mecanismului Financiar SEE 2014-2021, încheiat între Statele Donatoare Norvegia, Islanda şi Liechtenstein şi Guvernul României şi
  • Mecanismului Financiar Norvegian 2014 -2021 încheiat între Norvegia şi Guvernul României.

Cele două mecanisme financiare contribuie la reducerea disparităţilor economice şi sociale în Spaţiul Economic European şi la consolidarea relaţiilor bilaterale între Statele Donatoare (Norvegia, Islanda şi Liechtenstein) şi România,  prin intensificarea cooperării în sectoarele prioritare identificate.

Programul Cercetare are ca obiectiv general: dezvoltarea cunoştinţelor bazate pe cercetare.

Decizia UEFISCDI nr. 117/30.03.2018 de aprobare a Schemei de ajutor de stat pentru Programul Cercetare RO02
Modificarea Schemei de ajutor de stat pentru Programul Cercetare RO02 prin  Decizia UEFISCDI nr. 179/22.04.2020  și  Decizia UEFISCDI nr. 415/10.11.2020
Decizia nr 309/18.09.2018   (modificată prin  Decizia nr.48/17.01.2023 ) privind aplicarea sumelor forfetare pentru deplasari finantate din Fondul pentru relatii bilaterale, costuri de management si costurile de deplasare in cadrul proiectelor finantate prin mecanismele financiare SEE si norvegian 2014-2021

ORDIN nr. 348 din 27 aprilie 2018  pentru aprobarea Regulilor de aplicare a sumelor forfetare pentru deplasări finanţate din Fondul pentru relaţii bilaterale şi Fondul de asistenţă tehnică din cadrul mecanismelor financiare Spaţiul Economic European şi norvegian 2014-2021

Detalii privind Programul Cercetare sunt disponibile

În cadrul Mecanismelor SEE și Norvegian 2014-2021, bugetul alocat Programului Cercetare -  Proiecte Colaborative de Cercetare  a fost contractat integral, prin cele două competiții organizate în 2018 și 2019.

Informaţii cu privire la Programul "Cercetare în Sectoare Prioritare" finanţat prin Mecanismul Financiar SEE 2009-2014 sunt disponibile aici

Instrumente de finanțare

Reguli de Procedură

Fișierul poate fi desărcat de aici .

Componența Comitetului de Program

Dalina Dumitrescu
Preşedinte Comitet de Program
Retrasă din activitatea Comitetului de Program, începând cu data de 1 iunie 2019, din motive personale.

Dalina Dumitrescu
is professor specialized in Finance at the Bucharest University of Economic Studies. At the present act, also, as Vice-Rector at the same university, coordinating the research activities. Between 2004 and 2011 she was also Dean of Institute of Business Administration in Bucharest and a member in the Advisory Board of the ASEBUSS Foundation.

She collaborated as a consultant and trainer with many companies and non-profit organizations: Ductil, Scandia, Alcatel, Petrom, The European Commission – translations department. She ensured over 2000 hours of consultancy and professional training in financial management for companies, value-based management, business evaluation, risk management, financial criteria for selecting investment projects, budget and public finance, measurement of employees’ satisfaction.

During the years, Dr. Dumitrescu is/was advisor, member of different consultative bodies of the Romanian Ministry of Education and Research and representative of the European Science Foundation (2002-2008), including Core Group (2006-2008). As ESF representative, Dr. Dumitrescu participated as rapporteur in more than seven international workshops. She is member of the scientific and editorial board for three Romanian Scientific Journals and an international one. In 2011 Dr Dumitrescu served also a General Director for Higher Education in the Minister of Education and Research.

Dr. Dumitrescu is author and co-author of many books and scientific articles in her field of expertise. She was director and team member in research grants and served as project evaluator in national and international competitions including H2020 and Cost Programme.

She obtained a post-doc scholarship for research from La Commission Federale Suisse (Fribourg University) and was trained in finance at the University of Geneva (Switzerland), Reading University (UK), the World Bank Institute (Budapest), University of Social Sciences (Toulouse, France) and in management at Harvard Business School PMD68 -1994 and CPCL-2004.
Ivar Lødemel
Vicepreşedinte Comitet de Program
Ivar Lødemel is professor of comparative social policy and founding research director of the Research Group for Inclusive Social Welfare Policies (Giv) at Oslo University College. He trained and worked as a social worker before completing a PhD at the London School of Economic in 1989. He was research director at Fafo Institute for Applied Social Science (Oslo), before joining Oslo University College in 2001. His main current areas of research are cross-Atlantic comparative studies of activation programmes and global studies about the relationship between poverty and shame.

His publications include The Welfare Paradox. Income maintenance and personal social services in Norway and Britain, 1946-1966 (1997, Scandinavian University Press); with Heather Trickey, editor of An Offer You Can’t Refuse. Workfare in International Perspective (2001, The Policy Press); with Erika Gubrium and Sony Pellissery editor of The Shame of It. Global Perspectives on Anti-Poverty Policies. (2013, The Policy Press); with Amilcar Moreira, editors Activation or Workfare? Governance and the Neo-liberal Convergence. (2014, Oxford University Press)

Lødemel has been Humboldt Post-doctoral Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Social Law (Munich) and Visiting Scholar at the University of Pennsylvania (1998-99) and New York University (2015-16). He has served as consultant for the World Bank, UNDP, the Council of Europe and the OECD.
Ragna Karlsdóttir
Membru Comitet de Program
Ragna Karlsdóttir graduated as Cand Polyt from the Technical University of Denmark in 1976 and was employed by The National Energy Authority (NEA) same year. She has worked with geophysics within geothermal research ever since or until retirement in 2017, with emphasis on resistivity measurements and modelling. Research department of NEA became Iceland GeoSurvey (ISOR) in 2003. Resistivity survey is used in geothermal prospecting to determine the size and shape of the geothermal system, up flow zones and hence assit in choosing potential drilling targets. Ragna has worked with processing and interpretation of resistivity data from numerous geothermal systems, both low temperature areas as well as high temperature fields. For the last 10 years she has mainly done 3D modelling of high temperature systems in Iceland. Ragna was the deputy head of Geophysics and Reservoir engineering at ISOR for 7 years and for decades the project manager of the resistivity field work.
Valentina Dediu Sandu
Membru Comitet de Program
Prof. Valentina Sandu-Dediu graduated in musicology from the National Music University of Bucharest in 1990. She has been teaching at the same institution since 1993 (professor of musicology and stylistics). She wrote over 30 studies, 300 articles, and 10 books (see Rumänische Musik nach 1944, Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken, 2006; Alegeri, atitudini, afecte. Despre stil și retorică în muzică, Ed. Didactică și Pedagogică, București 2010; Octave paralele, Humanitas, București, 2014; În căutarea consonanțelor, Humanitas, București, 2017). She has authored series of programmes for Radio Romania. She also plays the piano in chamber music (CDs released in Romania with Aurelian Octav Popa, in Germany/ Neos with Dan Dediu, and in Boston / Albany with Ray Jackendoff).
Valentina Sandu-Dediu was a fellow of Wissenschaftskolleg zu Berlin, she is Rector of New Europe College, Bucharest, and received the Peregrinus-Stiftung Prize of Berlin-Brandenburg Akademie der Wissenschaften in 2008.
Dana Galieta Mincă
Membru Comitet de Program
MINCA DANA GALIETA M.D. Phd. Professor of Public Health at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest.

Accumulated more than 15 years of experience in the academic management sector while working for the Carol Davila University. Appointed Vice-rector at the same university, coordinating the institutional strategy and quality management department, while also acting as an evaluator for quality in higher education (ARACIS).

More than 30 years of experience in the public health field, working in both the academic field and as a researcher or consultant for public or private entities, NGO's etc. Evaluator for research projects for national or European bodies.

Academic work: research and training: epidemiology of chronic diseases and cancer, risk assessment and communication, quality of life, health services evaluation, etc. Coordinator of more than 200 master dissertations and 20 PhD theses, also involved in many international and national projects. Author, or co-author of more than 10 text books and of an extensive list of research papers.

In the past, D.G. Minca attended different training courses and research stages, beginning with a Master course "Statistics and Epidemiology in Public Health" (U.L .Brusseles-Belgium), while continuing with Strategical Management in Health Services, Health Programs Evaluation (University of Montreal-Canada), Hospital Management (University of Kentucky-U.S.A.), Qualitative research (Ascona-Switzerland), Health Technologies Assessment (Arhus University-Danemark).

She is a member of several scientific organizations: RECIF, ALLAS, EUPHA, ASPHER while also being a member of the scientific or editorial board of: Journal of Medicine and Public Health, Journal of Medicine and Life, Acta Maedica Transilvanica, Roumanian Medical Journal.
Armin Hafner
Membru supleant Comitet de Program
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Armin Hafner is Professor in the Department of Process Engineering at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He received his Dr.-Ing. degree in Refrigeration Technology from NTNU in 2003 and is professor in Refrigeration Technology at NTNU since 2016. His areas of expertise are: -CO2 refrigeration systems, -High temperature heat pumps, -Life Cycle Climate Performance investigations, -Refrigeration and Air Conditioning systems, -System and Process understanding and -Project Management (he was Senior Research Scientist and project manager at SINTEF Energy Research until end of 2015).

Is author / co-author of more than 100 international journal and conference publications related to HVAC&R systems and component development, LCCP, energy efficiency improvement and industrial / supermarket refrigeration.
Alina Catrinel Ion
Alina Catrinel Ion is Professor at Department of Analytical Chemistry and Environmental Engineering at the University Politehnica of Bucharest (UPB). She received her Dr.-Ing. degree in analytical chemistry from UPB in 1996. Her areas of expertise are carbon nanostructures and their food and environmental applications; electrochemical sensors: potentiometric and voltammetric sensors, miniaturized sensors; determination of contaminants in food, waters, soils and fertilizers; determination of organic pollutants in atmospheric environment; characterization and measurements of nanostructures.

A.C. Ion has been Fellow, in different stages of research/ trainings, at prestigious higher education and research institutions such as: Max Plank Institute, Berlin, Germany, Pd recovery from hydrogenation catalysts; UREF AUPELF postdoctoral research stage (bourse d’excellence) at the Dept. Of Organic Electrochemistry and Redox Photochemistry, University Joseph Fourier,Grenoble, France (Prof. Eric Saint Aman), chemically modified electrodes for heavy metals; invited fellowship at ETH Zurich, Switzerland (Prof Erno Pretsch), low detection limit ion selective electrodes and their applications; postdoctoral stage in analytical hyphenated techniques (GC/MS), Department of Mass Spectrometry, University of Antwerpen, Belgium (prof. Magda Claeys), characterization of rural aerosols from K-puszta, Hungary; training course in electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, Electrochemical Society ECS, San Francisco ,USA.
  • Paginile web ale Proiectelor Colaborative de Cercetare finanțate în cadrul competiției 2018, din EEA Grants, pot fi accesate aici , iar a celor finanțate în competiția din 2019, din Norway Grants pot fi accesate aici .
Principiile bunei guvernări, transparenței, egalității, eficienței și toleranței zero față de corupție stau la baza implementării tuturor programelor şi activităţilor finanţate prin Mecanismele financiare SEE şi Norvegiean 2014-2021.
Orice sesizare privind încălcarea principiilor de mai sus, a legislaţiei naţionale şi/sau a regulamentelor de implementare a celor două mecanisme financiare se raportează la adresa de email .

*Datele de identificare ale persoanei care face sesizarea nu sunt obligatorii, sesizarea trebuie să îndeplinească condițiile legate de posibilitatea identificării programului, schemei de plată, operațiunii și/sau a beneficiarului la care se referă.
Coordonator program
+40 21 30 80 561
+40 21 311 59 92
Știri asociate:
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